Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Survey finds that nearly every kid is a video gamer

This article states that due to resent over the phone surveys, that 97% of young respondents play video games. This includes 99% of boys and 94% of girls. 7% of the people surveyed said that they didn;t have a computer of a game console at home. Joseph Kahne, a study co-author and dean of the education school at Mills College in California. Said that violent games like Halo provided more that average opporatunities for players to help eachother. Also that those who play games the most arn't any less involed in the communities aroiund them. Most games dont just play by them selves either, they ussually play with one onther or on line and this shows that gamers are social people. They comunicate and spend time face to face with others just like any other kids.

I agree that most of the kids that I know play video game, and non of them are any less social than anyone else. In fact most of them are the smart kids in the class who have alot of freinds.
I am proud to be one those gamers. Maby if my dad read this article he would finally let me get Xbox live :)

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