Monday, September 29, 2008

B.C. has lowest obesity levels in 10 years: minister

B.C.'s Minister of healthy living and sports says according to recent surveys the province has the lowest self- reported obesity rate in 10 years.

According to Mary Polak this shows that B.C is the only province to achieve a large drop in adult obesity rates.

It is the first considerable decrease since reporting started in 1996.

I think this is great the healthier the people of Canada are the larger our life expectancy will grow over other countries. I hope the rest of the Provinces of Canada will aclomplish what B.C. has.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Family abandons nine children at Nebraska hospital

This article is about how a father abandoned nine childeren ranging from the ages of 1-17 in the Emergency Room of a Nebraska hospital. This is because of a safe havens law intended for infants meaning under four or five years old but was required to use the word chils which some people take as any one under the age of nine teen. Since this law has been in effect 14 childeren have been abandoned.

I think that it is stupide to abandone nine kids who are at an age where they know who you are and probablly love you. If you dont want them why have kids in the first place let alone nine of them. This is crul for these kids to be tossed away by their own father. Think about how they must feel. To hope their familly will come for them but they never do. How could a person rais a kid for a couple years and then just leave to live alone.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Man found dead after 34-hour wait in Winnipeg ER

This article is about how a man was found dead in an emergency room while waiting for 34 hours to be treated. The 45 year old man was found dead in the waiting area. It seems that he was never assessed by a triage nurse and was not registered as a patient seeking medical care. The man was never processed by the triage desk and therefore was not determined weather or not he needed immediate help or if he could wait.

I cant believe that a man could sit in the emergency waiting room for 34 hours and not get assessed by a nurse of doctor and end up dieing. This makes the hospital look terrible. Hopefully nothing like this ever happens again because this is just unacceptable.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Calls for more resources on Calgary gang violence

This article is about how the federal politicians aren't doing enough to put a stop to gang and gun violence. There is a complaint stating that tougher legislation is needed and that judges are going to soft of violent criminals. People are angry that people who are involved in heavy duty guns thievery and drugs are let out on bail immediately, to just get back into doing other crimes. Another person says that the catch and release way of doing things right now has to stop.
I agree with the complaints being made. People who are arrested for something like gang violence where guns and knives are use shouldn't just be released they need to reform in jail and be punished. People lose their lives to gangs and if they are just bailing out every time then people arn't safe.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Survey finds that nearly every kid is a video gamer

This article states that due to resent over the phone surveys, that 97% of young respondents play video games. This includes 99% of boys and 94% of girls. 7% of the people surveyed said that they didn;t have a computer of a game console at home. Joseph Kahne, a study co-author and dean of the education school at Mills College in California. Said that violent games like Halo provided more that average opporatunities for players to help eachother. Also that those who play games the most arn't any less involed in the communities aroiund them. Most games dont just play by them selves either, they ussually play with one onther or on line and this shows that gamers are social people. They comunicate and spend time face to face with others just like any other kids.

I agree that most of the kids that I know play video game, and non of them are any less social than anyone else. In fact most of them are the smart kids in the class who have alot of freinds.
I am proud to be one those gamers. Maby if my dad read this article he would finally let me get Xbox live :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

U.S. court strikes down state's anti-spam law

This article is about how a man name Jeremy Jayne's was convicted in 2004 for sending unsolicited e-mail bulk. He sent up to 10 million e-mails a day and was sentenced to nine years in jail. Jayne's claimed that the anti-spam law violates free speech protections under the first amendment, the Supreme Court agrees with Jayne's.

I think that he shouldn't have been sent to jail in the first place but that he should never be able to sent spam again because it is so annoying. It is just a wast of space in you mail box and is really useless.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wary of Protests, Russia Puts Few Limits on Smoking

This article states that in Russia the average lifespane of a male is sixty years old because of the lack of restrictions on smokin. The population is droping and the government seem to ignore the high smoking rate. Even though they heavily promote family life and higher birth rate they have lacked in anti tobaco ads and education. In Russia a pack of cigarettes cost only 25 cents because they are hardly taxed.

I think this wronge beacuse if so many people smoke then it effects the people around them who don't smoke aswell as the enviloment. The amount of people smoking must creat a lot of polution and seconde hand smoke. Over all this is bad for the country and the earth.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Air Canada to offer inflight internet next spring.

This article is about how Air Canada will start offering Internet during flights next spring. They will charge $12.95 to allow you to access the Internet with you computer, phone or any other personal devise. This means you can check your email surf the web and anything else while in flight. So fare this this air to ground technology is only available in the U.S but is being provided to Canada by Aircell.

I think this is a great idea because I remember last year there was an English assignment to be done in partners over the march break but my partner who whent on vacation couldn't do any reasarch because there was no internet access on his plane or at his hotel. But if plane now have internet then that is one problem solved, So I think this is great.

Friday, September 5, 2008

American jobless rate jumps to five year High

This article is about how the U.S unemployment rate flew to a five year high of 6.1% in August when employers cut 84,000 jobs and cut payrolles for the eighth month in a row.

The economy lost 100,000 jobs in June and another 60,000 in July. Private employers slashed 101,000 jobs. So far this year job losses are totaled to 605,000.

I think that with all of these jobs being cut and people therefor loseing there jobs is obviosly bad for the people but is is also weakening the economy. I don't understand why employers are slashing somany jobs and not creating new one's for people to fill in.
I don't think that ther should be so many people without jobs because for all those unemployed people with families its not just on person suffering per job loss it is three or four. So if there are 605,000 without jobs then there are really 181,500,00 people suffering.